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Apothecary items, Magickal talismans, ceremonial tools, Crystals, spiritual energy aids, Kits, Space clearing, emf protection.

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We provide a range of holistic healing services to empower, activate and align you on your journey to self in all its multidimensionality.


Choose one of our professionally created guided meditations to help you gain insight and experience profound shifts through deep soul contact  and alignment

About Gaian Muthi

We are a community of healers, wayshowers and crafters each to their own right. All driven by the desire to be of service and through tapping into our sacred creative lifeforce we begin to express and embody our own frequency in such a way that it makes a difference in people’s lives. Often this means going off the beaten track and what society models to us as being “normal” and thus we are a community of troubadours and nomads, ancient tribes and revolutionary lightworkers all with a singular vision of a more peace loving and harmonious society fully aware of who we really are as conscious beings.

Are you either a
Creator or Practitioner?

Esoteric tools and energy healing products for the brave at heart and sovereign soul
  • Take your healing practice to the next realm with high frequency vibrational products
  • Intuitively and consciously created Products and tools. 
  • clear negative energy, and direct specific frequencies for the purpose of healing
  • Focus your intention, amplify your intuition and raise your conscious awareness of all that is
  • Created by experienced practitioners that understand the subtle reality that permeates our energy field

Click on the Chakra you would like to learn more about

Learn about the chakras and how they influence your personality, money, relationships and spiritual development and how you can bring harmony to your life by bringing balance into your energy centers





Solar Plexus






Third Eye




Earth Star


Higher Self

Trans personal chakra


Trans personal chakra

Soul Star

Trans personal chakra


Trans personal chakra


If you are looking to be supported and held at any time along your personal journey, or you seek change in an honest and powerful way, I highly recommend Kali. She is gentle yet grounded and has the wisdom of what seems like a thousand years to guide you on your individual path of healing. My experience working with Kali has been expansive and deeply healing. She is incredibly respectful, working with the utmost integrity in all that she creates and how she holds space

Emma Lovett

Emma Lovett


In my crazy idea to get married to myself, this amazing human was by my side throughout the entire process.
Kali went beyond herself to share all she has to offer, from sharing her deep wisdom, brainstorming ideas, connecting with the right people and arranging everything to make this 1.5 day ceremony unforgettable and one of the most important moments in my life. In this, she was empathetic, creative, and incredibly supportive.
She is so gifted, and has soooo much to share!
I highly recommend working with her and letting her be your guide.

Nadine Schneider

Nadine Schneider


Kali is a powerhouse of a spiritual teacher. She is extremely generous with her time and her energy and is open to sharing her knowledge with anybody who wants to learn from her. Kali also teaches with the utmost humility and integrity. Kali is extremely well-read and has knowledge of an impressive variety of spiritual schools of thought, and various healing modalities. She always has profound insights from her pool of knowledge to add to any exploration.



Cape Town

My experience working with Kali has been expansive and deeply healing. She is incredibly respectful, working with the utmost integrity in all that she creates and how she holds space. Not only have I had the honour of experiencing Kali’s work individually, working with her products in both my practice space and personally has been profoundly healing – her sacred heart can be felt in all that she makes.

Emma Lovett

Emma Lovett


Kali is also a powerful Reiki healer and metaphysical practitioner. I have always had a deep emotional release during our sessions, as she has a special knack for unlocking stagnant energy in one’s system. She encourages and supports people to reflect on their lives and integrate their shadows. She also helps her clients to support and nourish their inner children with care and grace. Kali has helped me to process profound trauma and grief.


Cape Town

I have had a handful of healing sessions with Kali and they have all been memorable. .She is always willing to tell you where the gaps in her knowledge are and aligns her actions with her values and principles. Kali’s practice is imbued with unconditional love and non-judgment. One session with her is worth months of therapy!


Cape Town

Get in touch with us

If you feel resonance with what we are doing here and would like to become part of our community by offering your Soul inspired products of services on this platform please reach out to us as we would love to meet you.

In turn if you would like to find out more about any of our products or services and need guidance into choosing a service, product or practitioner for your current circumstance and place on your journey then please also get in touch...

    We are here to awaken from the illusion of seperateness...

    Let's trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness and just be together. ~Ram Dass

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    Gaian Muthi © 2024. All rights reserved.



    Located at the perineum, the root chakra governs our primal experiences and needs in this life. It deals with issues concerning safety, belonging, food and abundance. This is the first chakra to develop. IT is associated with the colour red which carries the frequency of what this chakra is connected to. The sanskrit name for this energy center is Muladhara which means root and it is the chakra through which we connect with mother earth to ground ourselves.




    Try not to get too caught up in any potential conflicts brewing around you, Taurus. Your job lies in calming things down and bringing a more practical perspective to the situation. If you get tangled in the action phase of endeavors without first thinking about what it is that you’re doing, you may confuse things more. Step back from the fire instead of throwing yourself into it headfirst.

    Solar Plexus


    This is a great time to move forward on a writing project, Gemini. Any large, long-term project involving communication, film, or long-distance travel is begging you to take action. Don’t delay. You have a strong force urging you to move forward. Look ahead with a positive attitude instead of thinking of all the reasons why these projects won’t pan out the way you want them to.


    This is an expansive time for you. You can make great progress on your goals, Cancer. The key is to clear up any miscommunication or dishonesty before you move forward with a clear conscious. Don’t even bother trying to make progress before you’ve cleared up past cobwebs. Keeping everything on a light, flexible track will help you work more efficiently.



    Your engine is revved and ready, Leo. You have a full tank of gas. Unfortunately, you may feel like there’s a large obstacle in your way. Perhaps this obstacle is your mental attitude and inability to make confident decisions. You may become so scattered at times that you can’t effectively move forward on anything. Don’t beat yourself up over it. The answers will come when you need them.

    Third Eye


    Located in the center of the forehead this energy center is the chakra that governs perception and awareness. It connects to the element of mind allowing you to see beyond duality and open gifts of psychic abilities and awareness. Connected  to the pineal and pituitary glands. this chakra allows us to gain greater perspective and awareness of ourselves and how our conditioning and unconscious patterns determines our results in life. With the vision it provides when balanced and open, we are able to visualise what we want for ourselves from a more mature spiritual point of view and thus manifest the outcomes we desire for our life that is for our highest and best




    Located at the center of the top of your head.  This chakra governs self-awareness through knowledge of self.  Through developing awareness and knowledge of the greater self beyond the ego you get to experience self-transcendence by knowing yourself to be but a small part of the universal self.   

    Although more connected to spiritual awareness and experience this chakra is connected to the pineal and pituitary glands and hypothalamus as well as as the spinal cord and brainstem regulating biological cycles such as sleep rhythms and the nervous system. 


    Earth Star


    The earth star chakra is also known as Vasundhara is located a few feet beneath the feet inside of the earth. It is connected to our life and past lives incarnated upon this earth. It governs and assists our connection to the planet as well as those that have come before us. it is symbolized by the Merkaba as it functions as an anchor for our soul into the physical plane through our physical body. It can help us connect to the astral realm as well as the akashic records to gain insight into our path and possible realities formed by our choices.

    Higher Self

    Trans personal chakra
    You’re getting support for and confidence from one aspect of your life and physical energy from another. Even though the two areas may be in a point of conflict, Sagittarius, you have the ability to take the positive aspects from each and fuse them together to create something new or solve a problem. Pool your resources and shift into high gear. The sky’s the limit.


    Trans personal chakra
    Success will come to you when you work with the energies at hand. Go with the flow of the situation instead of trying to undermine or manipulate it. There’s a tremendous force at work. Perhaps all it needs is a bit of direction to align it with your goals. State your intentions openly instead of working behind the scenes. You will receive support from others when you do.

    Soul Star

    Trans personal chakra
    You may end up in some arguments, Aquarius. Your nature is expansive and generous, but if others take advantage of this good nature, your mood quickly turns to anger and detachment. Conflict is often a natural part of a relationship. Use it as a learning experience instead of blowing it out of proportion and turning it into a larger issue than it needs to be.


    Trans personal chakra

    Located about 45 cm above the crown outside of the physical body. Derived from the Greek word Monas meaning Unity. This refers to a plane of consciousness that exemplifies the central consciousness the immortal part of our original soul spark. It is beyond all concepts of duality, separation, and illusion.  Experiencing ourselves as divine beings with divine capabilities happens on this plane. It requires mastery of all lower planes of consciousness.