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Reiki works on the principles that we as humans have an energetic system that works in direct correlation to the physical body. The energy that sustains us is often referred to as life-force energy, chi, or ki. When there are blockages, disturbances, or imbalances in this energy system that might manifest as an nr of issues in the physical body such as disease and stress.

Reiki is used to enhance and correct the flow of life-force energy into the system to bring about an nr of benefits including but not limited to relieving stress and pain, induce relaxation, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, balance subtle body energies, and support other medical modalities including preparing/ speeding up recovery from surgery, minimize the side-effects of chemo/radiation therapy and just support the overall healing process.


  • Discovering your personality
  • Detecting possible daily troubles
  • Giving advice in love, relationships, or business
  • Providing better life understanding
  • Making predictions for the future
  • Discovering your personality
  • Detecting possible daily troubles
  • Giving advice in love, relationships, or business
  • Providing better life understanding
  • Making predictions for the future

Reiki is performed by a trained professional who has received attunements to the energy of Reiki and is trained in the anatomy of the physical and energy bodies. It is performed by placing the hands in specific positions on or hovering just above the physical body.


These are the practitioners offering this service:

Carla Pretorius
Energy Healing Specialist

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.

Angel Free
Energy Healing Specialist

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.