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10 ML third eye Chakra Balancing Oil with Moonstone: Made by Practitioners for practitioners.

The Third eye chakra is located between the physical eyes above the brow line and is the chakra that governs insight, intuition, and psychic perception. This chakra when balanced can help us to see our lives and circumstances more clearly for what they really are instead of through the filters of our programmed belief systems. It can also greatly help us to manifest what we want for our lives. Any image that can be held in clarity and focus within the mind’s eye can manifest into physical reality. It is believed that we view our lives and the outside world through our two eyes and we view our inner world and God through our third eye. It is used to access our own inner guru or inner knowing, wisdom.

Perfect to use alongside other healing modalities to bring overall balance or use throughout the day when needing to provide extra support for a specific chakra. Apply to or close to the chakra.

Ingredients: Therapeutic grade essential oils Third eye chakra blend in fractionated coconut oil, Moonstone


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The chakras are vortexes of energy within our electromagnetic field/ aura that is located in the energy body’s physical layer.

These energy centers are located in places where a multitude of different energy pathways cross to make a conjunction of energy lines. These energy centers receive energy from the outside and feed it into the entire energy system, this, in turn, affects the way our organs, glands, and various physical systems work as well as affecting our mental and emotional states and outlook/ belief systems in life. In turn, it also reflects our inner state into the world outside us and thus our perception and experience of the world are shaped by our inner state all the time.

Through this knowledge, you can see how we are constantly being shaped and influenced by everything around us as well as the other way around… Because chakras vibrate at different frequencies they also correlate to specific colors, notes, plants, and planets. In recognition of the fact that we are interconnected to everything around us, we understand that the chakras are in fact the gateways between us and what we perceive as “not” us and in healing these centres we in fact become more and more familiar and comfortable through direct experience that we are not separate from everything.

As a metaphysical and intuitive practitioner and energy healer, I work with the chakras and the art of keeping them balanced and functioning in an optimal way daily and because of this, I have a deep and refined understanding of the effect of different frequencies on the specific chakras. I understand and can observe how they are affected by different experiences of trauma and such and also how the rebalancing of the chakras can assist immensely in your ability to heal from physical ailments, emotional struggles, and poor mental health caused by chronic stress.

Through my broad knowledge of different methods of energy healing and  metaphysics based on it being my primary field of work and study over the past ten years  and a keen interest in alchemy and nature-based magick and shamanism, I find great joy in creating these oils, each of which is crafted in the ceremony. This means that a sacred space is created according to the day and time that is most optimal to working with the specific intent. The space is supercharged with the intention of using various different support techniques drawn from ancient knowledge that is used to create an alchemical formation of frequencies to balance, soothe and energise each chakra according to its specific needs. 


Pure therapeutic grade essential oils that support different aspects of each chakra to bring complete balance and harmony on all levels.

Fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil

Crystal chips that resonates with specific chakras

Infused with Reiki energy as well as sounds and various other methods of refining and focussing the energy of the oil connected to the different chakras