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This aromatherapy mist was created to alchemize charged mental and emotional states into equilibrium on a multidimensional level by creating a powerful container for transformation to take place in.. A magickal cleansing and healing spray that can also be used instead of smudging with smoke to clear a space of negative energies and invite blessings into that space. Made with all natural ingredients to support a holistic and naturally healthy lifestyle that offers benefits on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

It has a mysterious, lingering scent that perfectly balances the masculine and feminine and through the specific combination of these plant allies can assist in restoring balance to all 7 major chakras, working to release trauma, integration of shadow, gently welcoming suppressed emotions into the awareness to be released and transmuted through understanding and healing of the root cause.

All offerings are created in ceremonial space with the intention for the deepest form of healing to take place for the user’s highest and best.

How and when to use:

  • when needing to bring alchemical transformation to charged emotional and mental states
  • cleansing the air when someone in the space is ill
  • clearing negative energy from a space during medicine journeys, energy healing sessions etc.
  • creating of sacred space for spiritual practices or rituals
  • deepening meditation by connecting to higher realms
  • cleansing yoga mat physically and energetically

Tap into the wisdom of the master plant healers that is revered by indigenous people for their their wide array of benefits:


  • Support Immune system
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Supports nervous system
  • Restores Confidence in our ability to heal
  • Supports Resilience and stepping into our power
  • Relief for fatigue
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Balances mood and mental state
  • Gently opens up suppressed emotions
  • Helps release trauma
  • Helps one to deal with change with ease and grace.
  • Base chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus


White Sage

  • Clears negative energies
  • Anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral
  • Repels insects
  • Supports the respiratory system
  • Anti- Anxiety
  • Spiritual connection
  • Connect to intuition and spirit guides
  • Sacral chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra


  • Supports respiratory function
  • Releases heavy feelings
  • Spiritual connection
  • Opens consciousness
  • Attune to inner and higher wisdom and intuition
  • Helps to express our self with grace
  • Helps to overcome fear and depression
  • Anxiety, stress, tension, insomnia
  • All chakras



Distilled water, Boswellia Sacra(Frankincense), Copaifera Officinalis (Balsam Copaiba),  Salvia apiana (White sage), Ethanol (Organic made from cane sugar).

Sustainably and ethically sourced and harvested.

200 ml