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This layer of the aura corresponds to the 3rd/ Solar Plexus chakra and is the layer of the aura that is connected to our will, belief systems, ideas, attitudes, thinking, logic, reasoning. It reflects our state of mental health, stores thought associations and belief systems and picks up thoughtforms from others or from the thoughtform dam via the soul. It interprets our life path and helps us manifest what we need for it.

7.6-20cm from the physical body, and is strongest around the head and shoulders although it extends down. It contains well defined blobs of energy which might indicates thoughtforms and other structured energy forms.


Aromatherapy mist to bring balance to the chakras and their corresponding layers of the auric field. The aura has seven layers connected to the 7 main chakras in the ETHERIC body. Any diseased or stagnating or lower vibratory frequency that is sitting in the aura will affect the well-being of our physical, emotional, or mental bodies…

Because of chronic stress and disconnection with nature and our bodies we are sometimes unable to “hear” or notice the signs that something is out of balance  and soon that ‘something’s off’ turns into something that can easily get our attention.  By working with these sprays you can bring balance into places in the aura that you intuitively feel it is needed and stay open to the process that unfolds for you in this moment. 

Our aura also contains a database of information about who we are, our past lives, and everything we have experienced… Spending time in nature is a free and surefire way to cleanse and recharge your aura but unfortunately, not everyone is in a position to spend time in nature as often as is needed and that is where these beautiful spritzers come in.  

By using these little sprays to infuse your aura with some serious magick you are able to bring vitality, flow, harmony, and vibrancy back into your field. Eradicating unwanted energetic parasites and repairing the field from extended EMF exposure and just surrounding you with a beautiful cloak of high vibrational energy. 

As a trained and certified metaphysical and intuitive practitioner and energy healer, I work with the chakras and aura and the art of keeping them balanced and functioning in an optimal way daily and because of this, I have a deep and refined understanding of the effect of different frequencies on the specific chakras. I understand and can observe how they are affected by different experiences of trauma and such and also how the rebalancing of the chakras and healing of the aura can assist immensely in your ability to heal from physical ailments, emotional struggles, and poor mental health caused by chronic stress and other factors.

As you spritz this mist in your aura it gently introduces its high vibrational frequency into your field. As the magick starts interacting with your frequency it starts to clear any energies that is not in alignment with your highest and best state. It also starts to reawaken and align your energy field with the deep wisdom that is already within you supporting your body with the magick of the plant king and queendom to remember its innate, self-healing capabilities. Your energy field is strengthened and protected as your chakras start being revitalized ( the chakras can be further supported by local application of the corresponding chakra oils)

Ingredients: Distilled water, Organic Cane sugar Alcohol, Therapeutic grade essential oils, SpeCific chakra blend, Corresponding crystal