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The mind is a powerful servant but a terrible master. At the base of any holistic journey towards a more harmonious life is the practice of meditation. Of becoming aware of the eternal, vast spaciousness of awareness that resides in the stillness behind our ever incestuous thoughts. In the beginning it can help a great deal to create a special space where one can practice meditating. Here you will find crystals, incense, candles, elemental decorations, journals and meditation pillows and shawls to enhance your practice.


The mind is a powerful servant but a terrible master. At the base of any holistic journey towards a more harmonious life is the practice of meditation. Of becoming aware of the eternal, vast spaciousness of awareness that resides in the stillness behind our ever incestuous thoughts. In the beginning it can help a great deal to create a special space where one can practice meditating. Here you will find crystals, incense, candles, elemental decorations, journals and meditation pillows and shawls to enhance your practice.

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